Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 2.0 or greater within 1000 mi
Update time = Thu, 18-Apr-2024 14:46:13 EDT

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
8 km NW of Prague, Oklahoma 2.1 001354842 mi 1713419044Thu, 18-Apr-2024 01:44:04 EDT map
5 km W of Dell, Arkansas 2.8 000822511 mi 1713386586Wed, 17-Apr-2024 16:43:06 EDT map
17 km W of Bryson City, North Carolina 2.0 000524326 mi 1713261006Tue, 16-Apr-2024 05:50:06 EDT map
3 km NW of Edgefield, Louisiana 2.6 001324823 mi 1713041448Sat, 13-Apr-2024 16:50:48 EDT map
9 km ESE of Williamsville, Missouri 2.2 000781485 mi 1713036704Sat, 13-Apr-2024 15:31:44 EDT map
0 km NW of Risco, Missouri 2.8 000755469 mi 1712910975Fri, 12-Apr-2024 04:36:15 EDT map

6 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.